|  | Non-Translated Basic Trigonometry Functions (Sin,Cos,Tan,Cot,Sec,andCsc) Worksheet | 10/5/2011 10:11 AM | 98 KB
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|  | NonTranslatedWS.pdf Non-Translated Basic Trigonometry Functions (Sin,Cos,Tan,Cot,Sec,andCsc) Worksheet With Black and White Gridmarks | 10/7/2013 11:24 AM | 170 KB
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|  | Regular Graph Paper | 2/18/2010 10:31 PM | 3 KB
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|  | Section 6.4 - Oscillatory Temperature Model - POST 6.3/6.4 MML HW - Question # 9 - Problem Posed | 7/22/2022 2:41 PM | 35 KB
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|  | Section 6.4 - Oscillatory Temperature Model - POST 6.3/6.4 MML HW - Question# 9 - Screencast Video showing you how to enter everything into the calculator AND be in the right mode (RADIANS)! | 7/22/2022 2:50 PM | 12382 KB
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|  | Section 6.4 Temperature Model Problem #9 from POST 6.3/6-4 MML HW - Explanation | 7/22/2022 2:38 PM | 147 KB
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|  | Sine and Cosine Graphs - Basic Graphs and Examples of Transformed and Translated Ones | 6/17/2022 1:35 PM | 503 KB
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|  | Special Trig Values Table - 0degrees tov360degrees - Decimal Approximate Values Filled in - MS Excel | 10/13/2022 3:00 PM | 18 KB
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|  | Table for Trig Values (already filled in) for the Special 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 and Quadrantal Angles | 7/26/2022 11:07 AM | 58 KB
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|  | Table for Trig Values (already filled in) for the Special 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 and Quadrantal Angles w/ One To One Function Parts Highlighted | 7/26/2022 11:08 AM | 64 KB
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|  | Table for Trig Values for the Special 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 and Quadrantal Angles | 9/14/2011 6:44 PM | 90 KB
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|  | Tangent-Cotangent-Secant-Cosecant-TrigGraphs-GSPDocs | 10/18/2011 12:15 PM | 865 KB
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|  | The Graph of the Sine Function -- Horizontally Compressed | 6/16/2022 4:06 PM | 264 KB
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|  | The Graph of the Sine Function -- Horizontally Stretched | 6/16/2022 4:06 PM | 295 KB
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|  | The Graph of the Sine Function -- NON-Transformed | 6/16/2022 4:02 PM | 234 KB
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|  | The Graph of the Sine Function -- Vertically Compressed | 6/16/2022 4:05 PM | 256 KB
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|  | The Graph of the Sine Function -- Vertically Stretched | 6/16/2022 4:05 PM | 259 KB
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|  | The Graphs of cos(x) and sec(x) - with Some Asymptotes (Requires GSP - Geometer's Sketchpad) | 6/16/2022 6:57 PM | 4 KB
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|  | The Graphs of One Period of the Sine Function and One Period of the Cosine Function (with ordered pair solutions plotted as points on the graph) - Using Microsoft Excel | 2/7/2024 1:44 PM | 27 KB
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|  | The Graphs of One Period of the Sine Function and One Period of the Cosine Function (with ordered pair solutions plotted as points on the graph) - Using Microsoft Excel | 2/7/2024 1:48 PM | 110 KB
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|  | The Graphs of sin(x) & cos(x) simultaneously graphed (Requires GSP - Geometer's Sketchpad) | 6/16/2022 7:28 PM | 3 KB
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|  | The Graphs of sin(x) and csc(x) - with Some Asymptotes (Requires GSP - Geometer's Sketchpad) | 6/16/2022 6:57 PM | 4 KB
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|  | The Graphs of Sine Functions - the Effects of A and B in the Graphs of y = AsinBx - Vertical and Horizontal Stretches and Compressions | 6/16/2022 4:04 PM | 257 KB
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|  | The Graphs of the Sine Functions - Various Transformations | 6/16/2022 4:07 PM | 257 KB
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|  | The Phase Shift Relationship Between the Graphs of sin(x) & cos(x) - (Requires GSP - Geometer's Sketchpad) | 6/16/2022 7:44 PM | 4 KB
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|  | TrigFunctionGraphing(Sin-Cos-Tan-Cot-Sec-Csc)TranslatedWS2(OutOfClassPractice)-KEY | 3/6/2019 7:04 PM | 229 KB
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|  | TrigFunctionGraphing(Sin-Cos-Tan-Cot-Sec-Csc)TranslatedWS3(ExtraPractice) | 3/6/2019 7:03 PM | 99 KB
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|  | TrigFunctionGraphing(Sin-Cos-Tan-Cot-Sec-Csc)TranslatedWS3(ExtraPractice)-KEY | 3/6/2019 7:11 PM | 1101 KB
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|  | TrigFunctionGraphingTranslatedWS1(Sin-Cos-Tan-Cot-Sec-Csc)(InClassPractice) | 3/6/2019 7:09 PM | 99 KB
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|  | TrigFunctionGraphingTranslatedWS1(Sin-Cos-Tan-Cot-Sec-Csc)(InClassPractice)WithBlackAndWhiteGridmarks | 3/6/2019 7:09 PM | 93 KB
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|  | TrigFunctionGraphingTranslatedWS1(Sin-Cos-Tan-Cot-Sec-Csc)(InClassPractice)WithBlackAndWhiteGridmarks-KEY | 6/17/2022 1:40 PM | 294 KB
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|  | Trigonometric Function Graphing (Sin-Cos-Tan-Cot-Sec-Csc) Translated Worksheet 2 | 6/17/2022 1:38 PM | 58 KB
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|  | TrigonometryFunctionGraphing Table - (For In Class Practice) TranslatedWS1 - Example 1 & 2 | 3/6/2019 7:10 PM | 139 KB
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|  | TrigonometryFunctionGraphing Table - (For In Class Practice) TranslatedWS1 - Example 1 & 2 - KEY | 3/6/2019 7:11 PM | 177 KB
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|  | Two Pages of Four 12unitX12unit Quadrile Graph Paper with X & Y Axes | 2/18/2010 10:30 PM | 31 KB
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|  | Using the MML Graphing Tool for Sine and Cosine Functions - Transformations and Translations | 6/16/2022 4:28 PM | 7015 KB
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