Title Sabbatical Forum
Location CI 159 and Zoom
Start Time 4/3/2024 3:00 PM
End Time 4/3/2024 4:15 PM

The Academic Senate and vice president of academic affairs will host a campus-wide sabbatical forum. Faculty members who completed their sabbatical leaves last year will present their project outcomes Wednesday, April 3, 2024, 3 p.m.- 4:15 p.m., CI 159 and via Zoom - Meeting ID: 847 9518 5831 or https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84795185831

Anna McGarry - Spring 2023 Semester
Ms. McGarry participated in a "Creating Accessible Course Content" course through @One to learn how to create reformatted and more accessible course documents for Spanish courses. Existing course materials for Spanish courses were then retrofitted for a more equitable online learning environment.

Dr. Denise Kaisler - Fall 2023 Semester
Dr. Kaisler has developed a library of exercises based on real-world problems to facilitate greater accessibility for STEM students while simultaneously engaging and retaining non-STEM students enrolled in general education courses. She has researched and incorporated into her course materials evidence-based teaching strategies to promote the use of quantitative decision-making in everyday life.

All Day Event  
Category Academic Affairs
Content Type: Event
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