Documents in the folders below are offered via the portable document format (PDF) file type. If you find that you are unable to properly access any PDF files located below, please contact the DEIA+ office at You will be provided with an ADA Section 508 compliant PDF.

H.7.LiquorLicense.pdfH.7. Liquor License 
H.6.MeasureGCitizensOversightStudentMember.pdfH.6. Measure G Citizens Oversight Student Member 
H.5.MeasureGOversightCommitteemembers.pdfH.5. Measure G Oversight Committee Members 
H.4.Surplus.pdfH.4. Surplus 
H.3.BidRecap.pdfH.3. Bid Recap 
H.3.AwardContractCampusSecurity.pdfH.3. Award Contract Campus Security 
H.2.COTOP.pdfH.2. COTOP 
H.1.g.ShortTerm.pdfH.1.g. Short Term 
H.1.f.Classified.pdfH.1.f. Classified 
H.1.e.AcademicEmployees.pdfH.1.e. Academic Employees 
H.1.d.PurchaseOrders.pdfH.1.d. Purchase Orders 
H.1.c.AandBWarrants.pdfH.1.c. A and B Warrants 
H.1.b.FacilityUse.pdfH.1.b. Facility Use 
H.1.a.IndepdnentContractors.pdfH.1.a. Independent Contractors 
H.1.pdfH.1. Consent Items 
H.pdfH. Action Items 
G.3.TechnologyMasterPlanUpdate.pdfG.3. Technology Master Plan Update 
G.2.IntroofASCCExecutiveBoardFall2009.pdfG.2. Intro of ASCC Executive Board Fall 2009 
G.1.ContinuingEdOnlineRegistrationLumens.pdfG.1. Continuing Ed Online Registration Lumens 
G.pdfG. Information and Discussion 
A-F.pdfA.-F. Introduction 
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