This website is provided as a service by Citrus Community College District. This site is in a constant state of evolution and is subject to changes. The purpose of the Citrus College website is to provide information about the college, its mission, programs, services, facilities and resources.
While every effort is made to provide accurate, timely and appropriate information, there is no assurance that the information contained herein is correct or up-to-date. Citrus makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information.
Citrus College makes no warranty or representation, and expressly disclaims all warranties concerning the operation, maintenance or performance of the Internet, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The user shall assume all risk associated with or arising out of the user's use of or access to the Internet, including but not limited to any damage to or destruction, loss, alteration or impairment of the user's hardware or software, material, data, message, information transmitted or received by the user and any result or consequence of the user's transmission, receipt or accessing of any material, data, message or information on the Internet.
The web is a far-ranging, fluid environment, capable of providing access to a wide range of information services. The Citrus College website includes links to Internet sites pertinent to the topic represented on the page being viewed. Even though we try to access the sites on a routine basis, some might have changed, are discontinued, or not working at the time they are being accessed.
Citrus College is
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