Melissa Utsuki
Executive Director of Communications and External Relations
Citrus College celebrated as 'Top Producer' of international scholars
Glendora, Calif. (Nov. 2, 2021) – The U.S. Department of State recently recognized Citrus College as a national leader in study abroad education.
In late October, the department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), in collaboration with the Institute of International Education, released a list of higher education institutions that have generated the greatest number of Gilman scholars from 2001-2021. Citrus College was one of 20 colleges in the United States to be named a "20-year Gilman Top Producer" in the associate degree-granting institution category.
Launched in 2001 and administered by the ECA, the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship program is designed to make international education more accessible and inclusive for American students. It provides scholarship funds to outstanding undergraduates who might not otherwise participate in study abroad opportunities because of their financial constraints. Since the program's inception, 19 Citrus College students have received a coveted Gilman award.
"It is an incredible honor for Citrus College to be celebrated as a top-producing institution. Although the State Department shares top producer lists every year, this specific recognition is especially significant because it spans the two decades that the Gilman scholarship program has been in existence," said Greg Schulz, Ed.D., superintendent/president of Citrus College. "Understanding that there is great value in experiencing other countries and cultures, Citrus College strives to offer a vibrant and comprehensive study abroad program. It is rewarding to know that so many of our students have been able to take advantage of these opportunities with the help of Gilman scholarships."
According to the ECA, the organization's 20th anniversary data reflects all Gilman Scholarship recipients who have participated in study abroad programs from fall 2001 through summer 2020. Award recipient data was filtered by institution size and type, using information from 2019 that was provided by the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Colleges and universities in 27 states, plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, are represented on the lists.
This isn't the first time that Citrus College has been included on an ECA top producer list. In fact, the college was recognized as a greatest growth institution in 2019 in four categories: associate degree granting institutions, STEM students, most unique destinations and racial and ethnic minority students.
"Studying abroad can be an enlightening and maturing experience. As students live in and learn to understand different cultures, they are challenged to examine themselves and their viewpoints," said John Morris, coordinator of the Citrus College Study Abroad program. "The Gilman program recognizes Citrus College's success in helping students with limited financial resources win awards that lead to important study abroad experiences. I hope this recognition will lead to more support and awareness of those opportunities that are available to Citrus College students."
Citrus College students interested in participating in next summer's program in Kyoto, Japan, or next fall's semester in London, England, are encouraged to complete a Gilman scholarship application. The deadline is March 1, 2022, and the college's study abroad program is hosting a scholarship essay composition workshop on Zoom on Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 5 p.m. Workshop registration and additional information is available online at