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Services students typically receive at the high school level may look very different at the college level. Not all services provided in K-12 are provided in college.

High School Level Support Services

  1. The school district is responsible for identifying students with disabilities including evaluating and documenting the disability free of charge for the student.

  2. Parents often speak on their child’s behalf in IEP meetings to determine placement and appropriate services.

  3. Once a disability is documented, services are made available and included in the student's daily schedule.

  4. The school district monitors student progress and effectiveness of accommodations and services.

  5. Special goals and objectives are determined by school personnel and by parents/guardians for each student receiving services.

  6. Specific classes or placements must be available for students.

  7. Students are provided free appropriate education in the least restrictive environment to ensure success. This means that the IEP may include curriculum modifications such as: abbreviated tests, slower pace, reduction in course-work expectations, or modified grading standards for students with disabilities.

  8. Students may be provided additional services such as: speech-language pathology or medical services, physical and occupational therapy, personal tutoring, personal assistant/aide, or transportation services. Colleges are not required to provide these services.

  9. Parents are notified and must give permission for any decisions regarding their son/daughter.

  10. Parents or guardians advocate for their son/daughter.

  11. Reevaluation of students is conducted by the school on a regular basis (generally every three years).

College Level Support Services

  1. The student is responsible for self-identifying as having a disability and must provide current documentation of their disability to the college. Participation in DSPS is voluntary.

  2. With an interactive discussion with the student, along with review of disability documentation, college disability professionals will determine what services are appropriate.

  3. Even after documentation is provided and reasonable accommodations authorized, the student is responsible to show their accommodation letter, i.e., Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) to instructors to request to use accommodations for each class every semester or term. Students are responsible for updating their AAP every academic year by meeting with a DSPS counselor for continued access to accommodations.

  4. Students monitor their own progress and effectiveness of accommodations.

  5. Students set their own academic goals.

  6. Students with disabilities enroll in college level courses with all other students.

  7. College students with disabilities are responsible for meeting the same academic standards as those without disabilities. Accommodations are designed to afford the student equal access to the college curriculum, but do not modify the fundamental standards of the courses or programs. College grades reflect the quality of work submitted and grading standards are not modified or lowered for students with disabilities.

  8. Parents are not notified of services their son/daughter receives.

  9. Students advocate for themselves.

  10. Reevaluation of a disability is not generally required if a student remains continuously enrolled in the college.
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