If you have been sexually assaulted, there is help available at the Student Wellness Center and in the community.
If you want to report the crime call 911, and then call campus safety at (626) 914-8611.
If you want to confidentially talk to someone on campus, contact the Student Wellness Center at (626) 914-8671.
Medical and Psychological Help
Eagles Wings
P.O. Box 2018
Upland, CA 91785-2018
(909) 529-3373
House of Ruth
P.O. Box 459
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 623-4364 Pomona Outreach Office
(877) 988-5559 Toll-free Hotline
Project Sister Family Services (PSFS) is dedicated to providing services to survivors of sexual assault and child abuse in eastern Los Angeles and western San Bernardino counties. PSFS also provides services to the non-offending family members of survivors.
24-hour help line, seven days a week: (909) 626-HELP or (626) 966-4155
Rape Treatment Center in Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center
RTC is a free resource providing many excellent services.
The Rape Treatment Center
1250 16th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(424) 259-7208
Review the FAQs from the Rape Treatment Center website.
* Call before visiting the Rape Treatment Center (if late evenings or weekends) to ensure that a staff member will meet you upon your arrival; otherwise, you will have to go through the emergency room first.
Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence Prevention Statement