Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Citrus College offers a range of science, technology, engineering and mathematic (STEM) degrees, certificates, and skill awards to pursue your STEM educational and career goals. We offer various STEM programs and services that include participating in research experience opportunities, receiving scholarships, free math and science tutoring, and much more. Citrus College is committed to providing you with the academic support and resources you need to be a successful STEM major.

To stay updated on STEM events, opportunities, and scholarships,
subscribe to our STEM Linktree and
follow us on STEM Instagram.
STEM Career and Academic Pathways
Interested in what STEM degrees, certificates, and skill awards Citrus College offers? Browse our STEM Career and Academic Pathway to help you determine which STEM program you would like to pursue. Each STEM program includes an overview, set of clear course-taking requirements, learning outcomes, and career information.
Exploring and Understanding STEM
STEM Opportunities and Services
Interested in participating in a STEM research project during the summer, connecting with STEM mentors and peers, or receiving free STEM tutoring? Check out our many offerings listed below.
Need extra help in math or science? At the STEM Center, you can have your math and science questions answered by highly-qualified peer tutors. Assistance is free of charge to currently enrolled students.
STEM Center
STEM Student Spotlight
The STEM Student Spotlight honors outstanding Citrus College STEM students for their academic performance in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, participation in Citrus College STEM programs, and ability to overcome challenges to pursue their passions in STEM fields.
STEM Student Published Articles
Discover the innovative research and discoveries of Citrus College STEM students by browsing through their published articles.
A Wild Pseudomonas has Appeared: An Exercise in Bacterial Isolation and Identification
Authors include former Citrus College students Victoria Drake, Alexander O. Gomez, Olivia Hernandez, Sarahai Jimenez, Matthew Luna, Omar Masri, Nathan Palmer, Reina Perez, Arianna J. Swindle, Jared Van Der Loo, and Lisa Wang
Biomass and Oil Spills
Creators include former Citrus College student, CJ Negrete
Botulinum neurotoxin accurately separates tonic vs. phasic transmission and reveals heterosynaptic plasticity rules in Drosophila
Authors include former Citrus College student, Cristian Pinales
- Transient plasma enhanced combustion of ultra-lean H2 in an internal combustion engine for reduced NOx emission
Authors include former and current Citrus College students Yushan Chen, Oscar Hernandez, Aimee Ortiz-Ramirez, Travis Riggs, Joshua E. Tobar Lam, and Mariano Rubio, engineering professor at Citrus College
STEM Student Clubs
Joining a STEM student club at Citrus College can be a great way to connect with your peers who share your interests, gain valuable skills and experience, and explore different career options in your field.
The club was established based on three primary objectives:
- Build an inclusive community of engineers.
- Gather and develop opportunities, scholarships, and resources.
- Develop skills of engineering students with a unique approach to learning STEM.
Advisor: Mariano Rubio
Meetings: Send an email to the adddress above or use the interest form below for information about the current semester meeting dates.
Interested? Fill out and submit the Citrus Engineering Club interest form
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