Accordion Content

Established in 2016, we aim to provide a safe and friendly haven for anthropology majors and non-majors interested in the field or related fields. It is our goal to discuss and participate in all four fields of anthropology: cultural, biological, linguistic, and archaeology, while cultivating a community of students passionate about higher education.

Instagram : ccanthropology

What does our anthropology club do?

Volunteering (mobile food pantry and eighth grade major fair); fundraising for refugees through the IRC; donating presents for the holidays; organizing our school's canned food drive to fill campus pantries; educational trips to Joshua Tree, Los Angeles Zoo and Natural History Museum; hiking; trips to Olvera Street for Dia de Los Muertos; ethnic dining; professor presentations; potluck at the end of the semesters; and attend local pow wows and cultural events.


​​​​Continuing Education
lifelong personal and professional development learning opportunities

Counseling and Advisement Center
academic advisement, course planning, career assessment counseling

Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS)
equal access and educational accommodations for students with a verifiable disability

Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS)
admission, academic and financial support services for underserved students

Honors Transfer Program
a unique learning environment emphasizing scholastic excellence and academic awareness

Learning Center · Tutoring Services
support labs and tutorial services

Online Education
instruction delivered using the computer via the internet

science, technology, engineering and math education

STEM Center
mathematics and sciences tutorial lab

Student Services
outside-of-the-classroom assistive services and support for students

Student Wellness Center
college nurses and health services

Study Abroad
students take college courses in another country

Other Student Resources

Athletics · Citrus Owls
official website of the college's athletics department and sports teams

Black Scholars
program offering mentorship and services focusing on unique needs around racial identity

California Dream Act
accessible college resources designed for undocumented students

Class Schedule
current and upcoming semester listing of classes

College Catalog

Library · Hayden Memorial Library and Learning Resources Center
information resources, regardless of format, for the college community

Student Newspaper: Clarion
award-winning newspaper, both in print a online, produced by Citrus College journalism students

Testing Center
test administration, proctoring for online exams, diagnostic exams

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