Citrus College seeks to make all programs and services, including electronic and information technology, accessible to people with disabilities.
In this spirit, and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the college provides students, faculty, staff and visitors with reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to the programs and activities of the college.
Individuals with disabilities should contact the disabled student programs and services department at for assistance.
If you are having difficulty accessing a web page, we would like to know so that we may evaluate the page for accessibility. You may contact us via email at either the office of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility+ (DEIA+) at or technology and computer services (TeCS) at
In your e-mail, please provide the following information:
- your contact information: name, telephone number and e-mail address
- technical information: operating system (Mac, PC or ChromeOS), browser, browser version, adaptive software
- address of the web page or pages (URL) in question
- please describe in as much detail as possible, the problems you are having in accessing the page