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In April 2019, Citrus established its final meta-majors which have been named "Career and Academic Pathways" (CAPs). The final CAPs were created by analyzing the data and reviewing feedback provided from the fall 2018 meta-major sorting activities. Each Citrus College degree and certificate program has been assigned to a CAP as shown in the CAPs subgroup document.



Facilitate communication campus-wide on the Guided Pathways model. Provide platforms for communicating ongoing institutional Guided Pathways efforts. Collaborate with the Faculty Learning Institute to provide opportunities for faculty and staff to increase knowledge and participation.



The Instructional Methodology Design Team will be working on applied and contextualized learning opportunities for students and support for faculty in implementing those approaches.



​​Provide opportunities for community members to explore and discuss the Career and Academic Pathways, and coordinate the process of mapping coursework for degrees and certificates to create clear paths to careers and/or degree or certificate completion for students.



Rethink the intake process for students at Citrus College so that students are better prepared, directed and engaged as they start their education and, as a result, have better outcomes in terms of completion and time to completion.

Examine research and local data to identify student obstacles to completion and develop strategies to eliminate them. In doing so, this team will streamline student support services and complete an action plan for the student support portion of the Guided Pathways implementation plan.

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