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​​Even though it is helpful to ask occasionally about career plans, a student should take ownership of their career planning process.

  • Myth: A student must major in something "practical" or marketable​. 
  • Truth: Students should follow their own interests and passions. Work satisfaction and life satisfaction depend on the extent to which our work and life provide adequate outlets for our unique abilities, interests, personality traits and values. 
  • Myth: Choosing your major means picking the career you will have forever.
  • Truth: That's not true anymore. "Major" does not necessarily mean "career," and it is not unusual for a student to change majors. Many students change majors after gaining more information about specific fields of study and career fields of interest. Many students end up doing something very different than originally planned, so don't worry if they change directions a few times, the majority of students do.
    It's okay to make suggestions about majors and career fields, but let your son/daughter be the ultimate judge of what's best. Career development can be stressful. Maybe this is the first really big decision that your son or daughter has had to make. Be patient, sympathetic and understanding.​

For more myths about college majors, check out our Major Myths Monday videos.

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