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Early Alert Program at Citrus College

Early Alert Workshop Schedule

Early Alert is a computerized email based system of early warning and follow-up for students identified as having academic difficulties anytime in the semester AND a feedback procedure for all instructors regarding the specific actions taken by their identified students.

It consolidates all traditional "academic progress reports" into one roster and establishes a systematic referral process for students experiencing academic difficulties. It is designed to be efficient and technologically user-friendly for instructional and support staff, as well as informative, direct and non-threatening for students.

Your instructor has noticed that, due to a particular reason, your work is not up to par with the class. It could be that the problem is attendance, test scores, English language or writing ability, or any number of possibilities. The purpose of Early Alert is to inform you of serious academic problems early in the semester so that support systems can be sought out and implemented. This could include tutoring, study groups, Early Alert workshops, a counseling appointment, a library tour, an appointment your instructor, and so on.

All instructors have access to the on line computerized Early Alert Referral System where the letter is generated. Each instructor has a list of registered students for each class they teach. Students are identified and a letter is immediately sent to the student's Citrus College email address. It is the instructors' choice whether or not to participate in Early Alert. The majority of Citrus College instructors have been active in keeping Early Alert successful. Semester averages of 1,000 students are identified by both full-time and part-time instructors as having academic difficulties. Many students received assistance in some form as a result of their instructor’s actions. This shows that a concerted effort is being made by instructors to improve student retention. ​

If you receive a letter from Early Alert, you should first speak to your instructor. Communication about the situation is paramount for your success in the class. Get clarification from your instructor and find out where you stand. Can you make up any assignments? Would it help you to receive tutoring? Are you in a course that is too difficult or too easy? What can you do to improve your status in that course? This is a good opportunity to talk about solutions and to get acquainted with your instructor!

After you speak to your instructor, you may also choose to speak to a counselor. A counselor can help by directing you to classes, tutoring or workshops that may assist in your student success. Counselors also initiate student education plans (SEPs) so that you know what classes you need to take to achieve your goals. The counseling center can give referrals to the Student Wellness Center, Disabled Student Center (DSPS), extended opportunities programs and services (EOPS), financial aid and the Career and Transfer Center for interest testing. We are able to take personal counseling appointments and we have MFC (marriage and family counselor) interns through the Student Wellness Center who can provide short term counseling. A counselor can assist you in making decisions about dropping or adding a class or in other matters that may affect your progress.

To make an appointment with a counselor, call (626) 914-8530.

NO. This information is part of Early Alert and will not become part of your academic transcript.

Receiving an Early Alert letter does not necessarily mean that you are failing. Speak to your instructor about the area identified on your letter. Clarification from your instructor will give you a better idea of where you stand in the class.

There are several tutoring areas on campus that can assist you in receiving extra help for your class.

Math tutors can be found in the STEM Center located on the first floor, room 129 in the Math Building. Walk-in assistance, peer tutors and study groups are available. For more information, call (626) 914-8723.

Tutorial services for most classes can be found in ED 113 or by calling (626) 914-8570. Students can receive up to two free hours a week of tutoring for each class they are taking. A request form needs to be filled out and an appointment made. This can be an essential resource for all students needing that extra push through a difficult class. By securing tutoring early in the semester and maintaining consistent study habits, your chances of passing the identified course is greatly improved.

If you are having problems with English or writing a paper, the Writing Center is also located in ED 113. For more information, call (626) 914-8570.

Early Alert offers a variety of study skills workshops including time management, note-taking/outlining, reading and study skills, preparing for exams, memory techniques, math anxiety and study skills, goal setting, motivation, learning styles and stress management. These workshops are available each semester. The workshops are one hour long and are offered on a walk-in basis or brought into a classroom. The workshops are open to all students at Citrus College.

If you are interested in having a workshop brought to your classroom, please contact David Rodriguez, counselor, at (626) 852-6461 or

Visit the Counseling and Advisement Center Appointment Scheduling web page to schedule an appointment with a counselor.

Appointments can also be scheduled by calling the Counseling and Advisement Center at (626) 914-8530.

To drop a class you will need to log on to your Wingspan account. There you will move through the program until you get to add/drop classes. Make sure you check your personal schedule to see that the class was dropped correctly. You can personally drop classes until the drop date and then you will receive a grade. The drop date for each semester is listed in the Citrus College Class Schedule. Do not assume the instructor will drop you from their class. You are responsible for dropping your own classes.

Early Alert serves as a program in partnership with faculty and counselors by providing additional support to contacting students who have been referred through Early Alert Wingspan system. We typically encourage students to take in the process by communicating back with the faculty member who initially referred them. This creates the full circle of communication once an intervention has been initiated.

Timeline and Intervention

Early Alert reporting is available any time during a session or semester.

Once the faculty member has completed an Early Alert referral, the student will receive an email from the Early Alert coordinator and counselor, David Rodriguez. The email identifies the class, instructor, and concerns for which they received an Early Alert, along with suggestions to communicate with the instructor and options for counseling support.

TeCS compiles a daily listing of identified Early Alert students and sends it to David Rodriguez, Early Alert coordinator.

Counseling faculty will reach out to students within one to three days.

In addition to the emailed list to the Early Alert coordinator, when other resources are selected, the coordinator/manager of the student and academic services department receives a list of students (with minimal information) with who to follow up.

Some of the follow-up topics discussed during interventions are:

  • Personal and/or academic concerns affecting class success
  • Encourage the student to communicate with their instructor by attending office hours or by emailing them
  • Review how to sign up for online tutoring (general tutoring and STEM)
  • Make an appointment to complete a student education plan (SEP)
  • Recommend beneficial online and physical resources
  • Recommend Early Alert workshops (group or self-paced via Comevo)

Every student is different and as a result their circumstances are varied. Our counseling approach will be different for each student's situation. Our goal is to help students make better decisions regarding their educational endeavors.

Please be aware that our conversations with students are confidential (FERPA) and we cannot share private information with instructors as stated by law, as noted on this website's Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Statement page.

Need assistance? Contact David Rodriguez, Early Alert counselor, via email

​​​​​​​​​ Early Alert Referral System

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Early Alert Program at Citrus College