Local Research
English and Math Throughput Rates: Fall 2016-Fall 2020
This report provides transfer-level English and math one-year throughput rates for five cohorts of students (fall 2016 to fall 2020). One-year throughput rate is the percent of students who successfully completed a transfer-level English or math course within one year among the students who first attempted an English and/or math course in the fall. Cohort data is displayed by ethnicity, first-generation, and low-income status.
English Throughput 2018-2019
This study reports transfer-level English throughput rate for the 2018-19 cohort of students who first attempted an English course in that same year (including students who started in the fall and those who started in the spring). Cohort data is displayed by term, level (either basic skills or transfer-level), gender, and ethnicity.
Math Throughput 2018-2019
This study reports transfer-level math throughput rate for the 2018-19 cohort of students who first attempted a math course in that same year (including students who started in the fall and those who started in the spring). Cohort data is displayed by term, level (either basic skills or transfer-level), gender, and ethnicity.
Math Corequisite Survey Results
Under the implementation of AB 705, Citrus College made changes to transfer-level math courses with the purpose of increasing completion of transfer-level math within a one-year timeframe. These changes included students' placement in the math course sequence, classroom redesign, and pedagogy. To better understand the student experience as a result of these modifications, students were surveyed about their experience in the newly redesigned courses.
Fall Cohorts · English Progression Fall 2015-Fall 2018
In this report, four cohorts of students were tracked for their annual progression of transfer-level English completion. They were the students who enrolled in an English course for the first time in a given fall semester: fall 2015, fall 2016, fall 2017, and fall 2018. Gender and ethnicity data are also provided.
Fall Cohorts · Math Progression Fall 2015-Fall 2018
In this report, four cohorts of students were tracked for their annual progression of transfer-level math completion. They were the students who enrolled in a math course for the first time in a given fall semester: fall 2015, fall 2016, fall 2017, and fall 2018. Gender and ethnicity data are also provided.
Accuracy of Self Reported High School GPA · December 2017
This study aims to understand the accuracy of self-reported GPA by analyzing the correlation between the self-reported and the official school-reported GPA.
Fall 2017 Early Decision Cohort Placement Scenarios
This report provides a detailed analysis of the fall 2017 MMAP pilot cohort placement results.
Fall 2015 Early Decisions Multiple Measures Assessment Simulation
This was a simulation study conducted to understand the impact of multiple measures assessment project (MMAP) and to prepare for a future MMAP pilot study. Official high school transcripts of the fall 2015 cohort were used to estimate how many students would have been placed into transfer level math and English with the multiple measures rule sets.
Statewide Research
The RP Group Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) Overview
The RP Group MMAP and AB 705 Publications
The RP Group MMAP and AB 705 Webinars
State Reporting
AB 1805 Reporting