Accordion Content

Always be aware of your surroundings. Walk in well-lit areas at night, preferably with a friend and/or colleague.

Lock your desk and office when appropriate and always lock your vehicle. Do not leave your valuables and other personal belongings where they can be seen.

Do not leave personal items unattended.

Keep track of your wallet or backpack when you are in class, the library, a lab, or other campus areas.

Tell your family or friends where you are going, what time you are expected to arrive, and what time you will return.

Report any illegal or suspicious behavior to campus safety by calling (626) 914-8611, or extension 8611 if you are calling from a campus phone. Reports can also be submitted via text by utilizing the text-a-tip function on the campus safety mobile app, Citrus Guardian.

Campus safety may also be contacted by pressing the red emergency button on the blue light emergency phones located throughout campus. Blue light emergency phones are currently located west of the Mathematics Building (MA), north of the Campus Center (CC), south of the Administration Building (AD), north of Student Services Building (SS), west of Adaptive Physical Education Building (AP), south of the Field House (FH), and north of the Gate House (GH).

Review the blue light emergency phone map.

Utilize campus safety's 24-hour services, which include safety escorts, vehicle jump-starts, and vehicle unlocks.

Your Personal Preparedness

Keep an extra change of clothing in your car or office space.

If you take medication, keep an extra dose on you at all times.

Keep non-perishable snacks and water with you.

Keep other personal items on hand such as phone chargers.

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