If possible, take the time to ask for your recommendation in person. If that's not possible, requesting by email is sufficient. Ask the individual directly, "Could you please fill out the Summer Research Experience recommendation form on my behalf?"
If you ask in person first, send a follow-up email and make sure to include the following recommendation form link: Summer Research Experience Recommendation Form
- One month before the deadline (or earlier): request the recommendation
- Two weeks before the deadline: follow up with your recommender
- Three days before the deadline: confirm that the recommendation was/will be submitted
Follow up with your recommender to ensure that your recommendation is submitted. It is your responsibility to make sure all application components are submitted on time. We suggest the following:
- Two weeks before the deadline: Follow up and ask your recommender if they have any questions about you or the opportunity and remind them of the deadline and link to submit the recommendation form.
- Three days before the deadline: Follow up to remind them of the deadline and link, thank them for agreeing to submit the recommendation form on your behalf, and ask if your recommendation has been submitted.
- After submission: Remember to thank the individual who submitted your recommendation for SRE. An email thank you is always appreciated. Please keep your recommender updated with any Summer Research Experience decisions – recommenders like to know what happens after they submit a recommendation.