Anyone can take an online education course, but you should consider if this type of delivery method is right for you.
Through online education, you do not generally interact in a classroom. Instead, you communicate with your instructor and fellow students through email, message boards, and chat rooms. Though this often requires more dedication on your part, many students are rewarded by the fact that they have more direct communication with their instructors and fellow students.
Along with more direct communication, there are other potential benefits to taking an online education course. Many students find online learning more convenient. You can study and learn when it fits your schedule and you can access your course almost anywhere in the world. This is particularly beneficial for full-time workers or students with childcare needs. Online education students may also have reduced travel and parking expenses.
As an online education student you will need access to a computer, Internet access, and an email account. There are computer labs on campus that are available to Citrus College students located in the Citrus College library and the main computer lab (IS 107).
While online education offers a convenient way to earn college credits, it can also pose its own unique challenges. It is not uncommon for a student to struggle in the online learning environment, and it is easier to fall behind and fail an online education course. There is also the potential for isolation and less group support. Finally, an online education course requires more technical expertise and there is the potential for technical problems and delays.
Successful online students must also be able to:
- access the Internet
- send and receive email
- send and receive attachments
- participate in chat rooms, discussion boards, and instant messenger systems
- read and follow directions on a website