Enrollment Status
The following is considered full time:
- Regular 16 week semester - 12+ units
- Summer eight week session - six units
- Summer and winter six week intersession - four units
Please check in with counselor for variations of combination units.
For example, if the student is taking 12 units in a semester where nine units begin February 8 and end June 12, 2015, and the other three units begin February 18 and end April 10, 2015, the student will only be considered full time up to April 10, 2015. From April 11 through June 12, 2015, he or she will be considered 80% rate of pursuit and receive 80% of full time pay for that enrollment period.
What the VA will
NOT Pay For
No benefits will be paid for courses that do not meet the program of study requirements. The following list reflects types of courses that will not be certified for payment; however, this list is not all-inclusive:
- Recommended classes
- Challenged classes
- Repeated courses
- Electives (can be used to supplement and complete semester units, consult with an academic counselor)
- Repeated courses with a "D" (cannot be re-certified unless academic counselor confirms that the student must pass the course with a "C" for graduation purposes. This must be documented in writing before another certification can be submitted for the repeated course)
What the VA
WILL Pay For
- Required prerequisites and remedial classes
- Repeated courses with an "F" or "FW" (may be repeated and certified for chapter 33 benefits)
- Online classes/distance education (enrolled exclusively in distance education courses will receive the BAH payment at an approximate 2/3 reduced rate)
- Hybrid courses (students should inquire with the VA certifying official for confirmation and how it may impact their benefits)
- Counseling courses - COUN 156, 160, and 161 are approved courses and advised by counselors for students that are transitioning
Round Out
Only during the last term before graduation may a student register for non-applicable courses in order to have enough hours to be full-time. This can be done only once per program.
For example, if a student needs only six units to graduate in the current term, but wishes to receive full-time benefits, he or she can register for six additional units (or more) of courses that do not apply to the intended degree program.
This policy DOES NOT apply to students in the chapter 31 vocational rehabilitation program. Students need to speak directly with their case manager.
Standards of Progress
Students must be in good academic standing to be eligible for VA certification. VA students must complete each semester with a GPA of at least 2.0 or above to remain in a satisfactory status. Failure to maintain a 2.0 or above will result in probation and a loss of enrollment priority. When placed on probation for two consecutive semesters, the student's VA benefits will be terminated. Students may be re-certified for benefits ONLY after their GPA is brought up to the minimum required standards of progress.
Concurrent Enrollment
A student may take courses (as a guest student) at more than one school (secondary school) that apply to his or her degree. VA will pay for the combined credit taking overlapping enrollment dates into account. If a student takes courses elsewhere that satisfy requirements for his or her degree, a "parent school letter" will need to be issued to the secondary school. The student will need to meet with a counselor or educational advisor for an updated student education plan indicating the course(s) and secondary school under the semester/term and submit it to the certifying official in order to have the parent letter prepared.
Financial Aid
Students are encouraged to apply for financial aid. Students may use VA education benefits in conjunction with Title IV financial aid by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online. Students should not include VA education benefits when reporting income and resources information on the application.
Military Credit
Citrus College issues four units of military credit (KIN 171 and one activity) to students that have a DD214 on file. The credit meets AREA E of the CSU certification.
Payment Processing and Overpayments
Paperwork Processing
You must allow eight to ten weeks for processing from the time your paperwork is sent to the Veterans Administration before you will receive your first check.
The VA holds both the college and the recipient liable for overpayments. Overpayments are most commonly the result of:
- Failure to process a program change form when dropping a course (the Veterans Administration considers the recipient ineligible to receive benefits after the last date of attendance);
- Failure to report to the veterans clerk in the Veterans Success Center any change in status (number of units or change of address) and;
- Repetition of a course in which a satisfactory ("C" or better) grade has been received.
If an overpayment occurs, the VA will automatically stop further payment until the entire amount due has been repaid.
If veterans are no longer eligible to receive benefits because they are carrying less than six units and receiving benefits under chapter 30, 31, 33, 35, or carrying less than three units and receiving benefits under chapter 1606, or are officially withdrawn from school, a letter will be sent to them requesting repayment.
In the case of hardship, a veteran may apply to the VA to make arrangements for repayment of the debt with as little inconvenience as possible.
Student Education Plan and Priority Registration
Student Education Plan (SEP)
All VA students must have an approved program of study. A SEP, signed by an academic counselor or advisor and the student, outlining the required courses for the student's program of study must be on file in order for a student to be certified for benefits. ONLY COURSES REQUIRED TOWARD THE COMPLETION OF THE DEGREE PLAN ON FILE CAN BE CERTIFIED TO THE VA. Additionally, only ONE course of study may be declared on the SEP at any given time.
Priority Registration
Priority registration is available for verified veterans, current or prior members of the armed forces, except those with a dishonorable discharge. An active duty military ID card or DD214 is required for verification.